We all know the real reason why I love hiking, backpacking, and outdoor adventure – because I get not only to spend time outside and on trail, but that time includes MANY MANY SNACKS.

What more could a gal want?

All jokes aside, eating adequate calories on trail while hiking or backpacking is crucial to staying fueled and having a grand ol’ time. 🤘🏻

🥾 If you’re going to be out on the trails for ~1-1.25 hours, you’ll likely only need a snack or two, but if you plan to be out there for 1.5+ hours, packing adequate and even extra snacks/calories will be an essential part of gear list.

These snacks are not only great for adults but kiddos too!

We love seeing your kids outside… even if you’re stopping every 10 minutes to tell them to put down the worm they found… or not. 🐛😂

Don’t forget, pack the foods YOU like and enjoy – not what you’re told you “should” eat or that someone else eats but you actually despise. Your snack choices can be quick + easy or even a bit more robust.

🥨 I recommend brining salty AND sweet thing to ensure you have something pending what mood you’re in!

Also, want to know something cool? You can get all these snacks at your local grocery store or dollar store! They don’t have to be super fancy!

These tasty fig bars from Nature's Bakery are one of my favorite easy snacks for hiking and adventures.

🔆 Chomps Jerky // “STAYSTOKED15”

🔆 Fig Bars

🔆 Cheese + Crackers

🔆 Gummy Bears

🔆 Trail Mix

🔆 Individual Nut Packet

🔆 Dried Fruit 

🔆 Crispy Chickpeas 

🔆 Applesauce Pouch

🔆 Cold Slice of Pizza

🔆 Pretzels

🔆 Chips

🔆 Pop-Tarts

🔆 Protein Bars

🔆 Fruit Leather

🔆 Fruit Snacks 

🔆 Fresh Fruit

🔆 Tuna Packet + Crackers

🔆 Rice Cake + Nut Butter Packet

Be sure also to check out these posts on no-cook hiking lunches + no-cook camping meals. 🤘

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