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Let's Work Together

I'm here to help

Education is my love language.

I want nothing more than to empower you to live an adventure-forward life you’re damn proud of by sharing and teaching about what I’ve learnt and from my outdoor objectives, travels around the world, lesson-learnt failures, degrees and certifications, life experiences, and everything in between.


Stoke Strategy Sessions


During our personalized 60-minute consultation call, I am all yours!

We will start with a mini questionnaire which allows me to learn about you (yeah, you badass you) and what you want to chat about. From there, we have a full hour to go over a strategy and ask any and all questions!

This price includes the mini questionnaire, recording of our session, the call, and a recap follow-up email with any additional input/info.

Need one-time help, support, and guidance...

The Safety Series


A virtual webinar series passionately focused on providing women with essential safety strategies.

Learn how to stay safe and become more self-reliant & observant while running/trail running, traveling, and crushing everyday life.

Where safety and self-reliance meet.

Do I wish I never ever had to talk about stuff like this? Yes, 100%.

But the climate of our safety is changing and our safety is our responsibility. We are our own first lines of defense.

I want women to feel empowered, capable, and prepared NOW and not wait until something potentially happens before taking action & learning.

I am passionate about helping women become more self-reliant, better thinkers, and proficient observers of their surroundings, in various areas of their lives.

For the adventure-seekers...

Adventure-Forward 1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Helping you fuel your body, chase badass objectives, live a big life, run further, and lift heavier.

Alright - stop, collaborate and listen

Let’s Create Together!

Are you an outdoor brand who wants to reach a rad audience of engaged outdoorsy women whose hearts + souls are set on adventure? We can partner to create social media content, educational blogs, and guest speaking events or webinars!

Brands We've Worked With:

enrollment currently closed

Introducing my badass course: Safety Summits Blueprint

Safety Summits Blueprint is a rad 4-week course (led by yours truly each week) that will empower you with essential knowledge and skills to help you feel safe, badass, capable, and confident sending it on trail.

Subscribe to the
Iron Soul Dispatch

Weekly newsletter where I share outdoor education, safety tips, adventure trip info, gear/products I am loving, newsletter-exclusive mini giveaways, Iron Soul Trailblazers updates, and anything that will help YOU get out on trail.